Monday, November 7, 2011

Family Weekend

So I was planning on going to my dad's house this weekend until my mom sent me a text Friday. I love how she always hints at things but never comes right out with what she wants me to do. Apparently, she had the weekend off and wanted to spend it with me. She never asked me to stay home, however her cleaver way of reminding me that she had the weekend off and she didn't have any plans was a good indication she wanted to spend time with me. So I made the necessary changes to my schedule to spend time with my mom.

We all slept in on Saturday morning and it felt great. Well she tried to get me up early but it didn't work. So her second attempt was a little more successful. Somehow she talked me into putting my hair in a ponytail and going grocery shopping at Walmart with out my morning shower. Ugh, not something I was happy about. She promised it was only a quick trip. Whatever, 2 hours later we got home. Thank goodness I didn't see anyone I knew.

When we got home, my mouthy 15 year old sister was home. Boy she was crabby. We all decided to go to my grandma's together. Oh did I mention this was the first "Rio" outing? My sister was not happy! It's a dang bird not a member of the family. I like it when Samantha is mad at mom and not me, so I encouraged my mom. That and Rio is starting to grow on me a little. I'm not as scared of him anymore. I turned out to be an exciting ride to Grandma's house. Sam drove and she is very scared of the bird. We almost got in a wreck when Rio decided to go from the back seat to the front seat. I laughed so hard I almost cried. I didn't think my little sister was scared of anything, except now the bird......

We had fun at Grandma's. We talked, laughed and really enjoyed the day. It almost felt like a holiday because we never have days that all of us can visit at the same time. It was fun. I tried curling my grandma's hair. Apparently I'm not that good of a hair dresser as everyone laughed when I was done.
Either that or it was the homemade strawberry wine that they were drinking.

We finally went home. My mom made homemade lasagna and garlic bread. It was so good. We all ate too much. So I had the bright idea of getting the Wii out. We put in Dance 3 for the Wii. The family fun continued. My mom, my sister, my friend and I all took turns dancing and competing for the best score. Later we found out my sister was video tapping all of us. I'm not sure what was funnier, watching each other trying to dance or watching the video of all of us dancing like fools. All in all, I'm really glad I stayed home.

Bringing RIO The Bird Home

All this talk about my crazy mom buying her crazy bird. My mom says I might have to me eat my words someday when I discover that I may like Rio. I say no chance of that happening in my lifetime. I have been telling her all along that she was crazy for getting a bird. I told her that I'm deathly afraid of them. I told her that I was having nightmares about this, "middle aged crisses" of hers. All to not avail. She brought Rio home anyways!!!!

So the first day home didn't go so well. I laid awake all night scared that the bird was going to crawl under the door and try to poke my eyes out while I was sleeping. I told my mom that I was really afraid that was going to happen and she told me I was very dramatic. I didn't see any drama in that statement at all, as that was my nightmare.  I had school the night he came home so he was in his room sleeping and my mom was asleep too, I didn't get to see him before I went to bed. So you can imagine my mind went crazy with worry.

I must have finally slept a little bit cause I remember being woke up by my mom talking to herself. Well, I thought she was talking to herself until the realization of the memory of "The Bird" came back to me. I decided to stay in bed as long as possible so I didn't have to face, "The Bird." I listened to my mom go on and on talking to this bird like it was actually going to answer her. I made the mistake of laughing out loud. She heard me and came in. So I reluctantly crawled out of bed. I was amazed that she didn't have the bird with her. So I decided it was safe to leave the bedroom. My mom was getting ready for work and I noticed the bird room door was closed. I asked, "Is that bird in that room?" and pointed to the spare bedroom door. She said yes so I said I wanted to see it. She told me open the door and look. I told her no that she had to open the door. She laughed at me and opened the door. I freaked, screamed and ran to the living room.......... Like I said, the first day home didn't go so well............... Rio is huge. The pictures make him look small. There is nothing small about him, especially his beak! I won't be eating my words none too soon!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My mom's day.

I couldn't figure out why my mom was so crabby last night. She walked in carring groceries and was really grumbling. I mean she was so crabby I was almost scared to ask her what was wrong. So I finally got brave and asked her. Wow, not sure if I would have finished out the day like she did.

It started with her getting up late. She was running around trying to get ready and everything was going wrong. She has to take my sister to school everyday and then go to work. Well my sister must have been in a bad mood. She decided to pick a fight with my mom. I could hear them yelling at each other as they were going out the door. I knew that wasn't pretty so I didn't go out and say good morning.

From there it only got worse. Apparently she forgot her phone and had to come back and get it. Boy she would be lost without it. She works in Saginaw so she was has to drive almost an hour 1 way every day. She told me that she hates driving through Reese because her 1 and only speeding ticket she got in Reese. So when she told me she got in an accident there, I felt really bad. She was stopped at the 4 way stop and rolled into the car in front of her. The guy had a ball hitch and it broke her Harley Davidson "Fatboy" license plate. She  was bummed.

That made her even later for work. Wednesday was suppose to be her day off. However her corporate boss scheduled a mandatory conference call for all managers. Then her deliveries and pick ups were not ready. She was only suppose to be there for 2 hours and ended up being there for 5 hours. She wanted to get home early and that didn't happen. She stopped at the grocery store to buy stuff for supper cause she didn't want to cook. She had 14 items and the express line was for 12 items. There was only 1 other check out line open and there was 2 people with full carts checking out. So she asked if she could check out in the express lane. There was no one in line before her or after her. The clerk said "NO". She was so upset. The ice cream she bought me was melting.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Caro Homecoming

This Saturday Caro High School was having there homecoming dance. Now as a college student you would think that this would have no effect on me unfortunatly it does. I have only one younger sister, her name is Sam, and she is 15, a sophmore in high school. She had been talking about the dance for weeks and was very excited to attend her first dance as a high schooler. The dance was Saturday and my mom had to work so that left me to help Sam get ready for what she thought was the most important day of her life.
As I was eating breakfast my cell phone rang, it was my mom, probably to make sure everything was set for tonight. I answered and began running through the list of things that I was in charge of to make Sams night run smoothly. When I finished my mom informed me that Sams friends would also be coming over to get ready at our house. I thought ok thats fine I can handle 1 or 2 more people, no big deal. Then my mom said that 6 girls would be dropped off within the next 2 hours. What! I knew then exactly why my mom chose to work.
The next few hours of my day consisted of painting nails, doing makeup, and helping with dresses for seven girls. I seriously considered running away. Fast! With all the comotion and drama of having 7 teenage girls in the house it was hard to stay sane and get through the day. If any of you have a teenager in your house you understand where I'm coming from and those of you who don't well, count your blessings. Even though my day didn't turn out how I had planned and I didn't get any of my to do list done all the girls looked beautiful. They left and had a great time at the dance while had a great time at home with the peace and quiet.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Trip from hell!

Last weekend my mom made me go with her to Indiana. My grandma's 85 year old sister died and my grandma needed to go see the family. The trip was only overnight so I didn't throw a huge fit. It started by me having to drive my grandma and grandpa to Saginaw and meet my mom. I didn't know grandpa was going too. I love my grandpa but not his cigars. I knew then that this short overnight trip was going to be a long one.

We drove all afternoon and most of the night. It took alsmost 4 hours to get to Fort Wayne, Indiana. You can't imagine how many cigars can be smoked in 4 hours. We finally got there. The lady that died was Aunt Viola and her husband was Uncle Kermit. So Uncle Kermit greeted us at the door. Mom told me to be nice and not make any faces or comment on her house. She told me Aunt Viola was a pack rat and she saved everything. Wow is all I can say. It looked like an episode of "Horders" from tv. But then after visiting for a while, Uncle Kermit told us we couldn't stay there and we had to get a motel. Fort Wayne is the size of Detroit and we had no idea where we were going. So my mom used her phone to locate some motels. After we looked at 3 different motels we gave up and paid cash. It was so bad that my mom covered our pillows with the dress she was wearing. The screen door was kicked in at the bottom and there was no screen or glass on the top. When we got in the room it was very dirty and smelled. I wanted to cry and go somewhere else. It was already midnight and my grandpa was crabby and tired. So my mom and I joked about sleeping in the bathtub so the bed bugs wouldn't get us. That wasn't any cleaner. The picture of the drawer shows that there was someone elses clothes and food in it. It was totally gross. The tv was missing buttons and the name of the motel was burned in the side of the tv. Not exactly sure why unless it would help the cops return it if it was stolen.

I didn't sleep much that night. My mom and I kept giggling. I know she was trying to make me feel better about having to stay there. We made it through the night alive and no bug bites. I was actually amazed. We went out for breakfast with Uncle Kermit and then drove to the funeral home. We got to have a private viewing with Uncle Kermit. It wasn't very long and then we were on our way back home. Which was another 4 hours with grandpa's cigars. I was never so happy to see my shower and then my bed!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Hobbies

With everything that I have going on in my busy schedule these days, I am finding it hard to make time for my hobbies. I hope that it's not always like this because I really do enjoy my hobbies and just having some "ME" time. So I decided to make myself set aside time for my most favorite hobbies. Those are reading, watching dvd's and baking. I love to read when I'm all snuggled in bed. It helps me relax and go to sleep. I just got a new television in my room with a dvd player. So now I split my time between reading at night and watching dvd's at night. Both help me relax. These hobbies were easy to fit into my busy schedule with college and work.

The hardest hobby to make time for is baking. That would be because it takes more time to bake. I have to actually schedule a day to do that. I love to bake desserts. My favorite thing to make is cakes. I love to bake and decorate specialty cakes. I  have done several birthday cakes for all my family and friends. I even made my own graduation cake. So I had to force myself to make time this last weekend to make another birthday cake for my mom's friend. I found this really cool picture of a cake made to look like the candy land board game. It looked like it would take forever to decorate. I decide to improvise and try to create some short cuts. I did most of the decorating with different candy pieces. I was so surprised how cool it looked and how much faster it was. I used gumdrops, licorce strings and different colored sticks of gum to make most of the board. I was able to make my mom happy and have fun doing my most favorite hobby.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

RIO the Bird...... UGHHHHH

 My mom and I seldom agree on anything as far as what she likes and what I like. That ranges from clothes, colors, activities and now RIO the bird...... She always has these crazy ideas about animals and they always turn out bad for me. The only idea that she had that I remotely like is Louie our dog. However I need to warn you he is "hairless". He is mixed with Chinese Crested and Brussel Griffin. He is small and cute. I do like him cause he is calm and very seldom barks. Next she got an English Bulldog name Zena. She was aweful. She chewed everything; I lost more shoes because of her. She ended up having alot of health issues so my mom gave her to a good family that could afford to take care of her needs, thank goodness! But that didn't stop my mom from getting another dog. She claimed she needed a big dog to go for walks and/or runs with. That's when Lyzzy became part of our family. Lyzzy is a Golden Retriever and very hyper and (I think) very stupid. Mom says it's cause she is still a baby. I still don't like her.  So a normal family would stop with 2 dogs, right? Oh did I mention my mom is not normal. Now she is getting a bird. Not just any bird.......a BIG bird. She thinks she needs a Macaw Parrot. I am horrified of tiny baby ducks...... What will I do with a giant bird? This bird is going to have it's own room. Who does that? My mom of course. This bird is named RIO. For anyone that doesn't know what a Macaw is, it's those BIG birds you see in the zoo's. I told her she would have to hire a zoo keeper to clean up after that bird. I won't be caught dead in the bird room....